Lowongan The Premiere Hotel Pekanbaru Februari 2021

Lowongan The Premiere Hotel Pekanbaru Februari 2021 - The Premiere Hotel Pekanbaru beralamat di Jalan Jendral Sudirman No.389 Pekanbaru. Saat ini sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk ditempatkan pada posisi berikut.


Requirements :
- Male
- Fresh graduate are welcoming and point plus
- Have experience 1 year or more
- Have car driver licence (SIM A)
- Fluent English written and oral
- Able to operate computer and basic system
- Strong will and self motivated
- Strong development skill
- Nice and neat appearance
- Honest, responsible and service oriented

The Premiere Hotel Pekanbaru

Send your Application Letter & Curriculum Vitae to :

or drop hardcopy to hotel :

The Premiere Hotel Pekanbaru
Jl. Jendral Sudirman No.389 Pekanbaru, Riau
Indonesia - 28116

Iklan terbit tanggal 4 Februari 2021