2. TEACHERS (Science, Math, Physical Education, Art Geography, Language Art, Bahasa Indonesia, Music, Religion, Mandarin)
- Male or Female (max age is 35 years old)
- Fluent English in spoken and written language
- Experienced in teaching is more advantage
- Fresh graduate are allow to join (S1 Min)
- Good command in IT (Ms. Word, Ms. Excel etc)
- Can work in team and individual (love to working with children)
- Male or Female (max age is 35 years old)
- Fluent English in spoken and written language
- Experienced in teaching is more advantage
- Fresh graduate are allow to join (S1 Min)
- Good command in IT (Ms. Word, Ms. Excel etc)
- Can work in team and individual (love to working with children)
(Submitted until July 15, 2018) interview and training(send via email your applicants)
We offer a great salary with a great Career (Bonus)
Interested applicants may submit your resume to:
JimboRee Education
Pemuda city walk, Block B, No 11, 12, 15
Jl. Pemuda, Pekanbaru 28292
Hp. 0821 6976 4578/ 0813 8264 8368
Via E-Mail ke:
(Put sign of position would you offer)
Iklan terbit tanggal 26 Mei 2018